Are you preparing
for SEALFIT Kokoro, GoRuck Selection, BUD/S, SFAS, or any other SOF selection?
Then you may want to complete some of the following workouts, which are mostly
high-rep calisthenics workouts. They are the most hardcore, brutal work
capacity sessions that I have done: they are 100% beatdown, 100% hammer-time.
However, once you complete any of these workouts (especially with a 40#
weighted vest), you enter a whole new paradigm, a whole new realm. You realize
that you can do ANYTHING and that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
WARNING: DO NOT attempt these workouts (as prescribed)
unless you’ve been doing CrossFit, SEALFIT, or Military Athlete for AT LEAST four
months. You do not want to get severe rhabdomyolysis and end up in the
emergency room.
I no longer do
CrossFit (or SEALFIT or Military Athlete). I’m doing dedicated strength
training (i.e. powerlifting). But if I were to resume doing CrossFit, I
would build myself back up and wait at least several months before attempting
any of these workouts.
WARNING: DO NOT attempt these workouts unless
you can handle doing 150-200 push-ups (bodyweight) and 75-100 deadhang or
kipping pull-ups (bodyweight) in a given workout. If you can manage doing only
100 push-ups and 25 pull-ups in a given workout, then DO NOT do these workouts
as prescribed. Scale down.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with scaling down. You can
do 75%, 50%, or 25% of the prescribed reps or rounds. For example, you can
scale down Murph Tribute and the 500 Challenge as follows:
Murph Tribute (scaled
down to 50%):
For time:
Run 0.5 mile
25 DH pull-ups
50 push-ups
25 CF sit-ups
25 flutter kicks
25 leg levers
100 air squats
Run 0.5 mile
25 DH pull-ups
50 push-ups
25 CF sit-ups
25 flutter kicks
25 leg levers
100 air squats
Run 0.5 mile
Run 1.5 miles
50 DH pull-ups
100 push-ups
50 CF sit-ups
50 flutter kicks
50 leg levers
200 air squats
The 500 Challenge (scaled down to 40%):
10 rounds:
5 DH pull-ups
5 DH chin-ups
Total: 50 DH
pull-ups, 50 DH chin-ups
10 rounds:
20 air squats
20 push-ups
20 sit-ups (CF or regular)
20 flutter kicks
200 air squats
200 push-ups
200 sit-ups
200 flutter kicks
For the barbell movements, if the prescribed weight is too
heavy, then decrease it as needed. For metabolic conditioning workouts, you
should be using weights that are lighter than your 10RM (10-rep max). Your 10RM
is 75% of your 1RM (one-rep max). If you don’t know your 10RM or 1RM, then just
use a weight that you think you can handle for high reps. The same applies for
kettlebell or dumbbell movements.
If you want to take the bodyweight workouts to the next
level, I recommend an adjustable weighted vest: 20-40lb for men, 10-20lb for
women, or simply 10-20% of your bodyweight. If you use a weighted vest, make
sure you start light (e.g. 20lb men, 10lb women) and increase the weight
gradually and progressively over time. For example, the first time you use a
weighted vest, DO NOT attempt a Double Murph with a 30-40lb vest. Instead, do
Half-Murph or Murph with 20lb (men) or 10lb (women).
any of the following workouts on consecutive days. At most, do only one of the
following workouts per week. Even if you do one of the following workouts every
two weeks, you’ll still reap the benefits.
workouts will crush you, especially if you use a weighted vest, and so recovery
is extremely important. In order to recover optimally, follow everything listed
in my previous post, “The Optimal Recovery Routine.” In particular, make sure
you eat fairly strict Paleo, as this will reduce soreness to a very large
degree. In addition, you can always do active recovery.
Finally, if you choose to attempt these workouts, I am not
liable for any injuries, rhabdomyolysis, etc. So attempt these workouts at your
own risk.
CF sit-ups = CrossFit
or butterfly sit-ups
DH pull-ups =
deadhang pull-ups
K pull-ups= kipping
AMRAP = as many
rounds or reps as possible
BB = barbell
DB = dumbbell
KB = kettlebell
# = lb, or pound
Special Forces Workout (SEAL Grinder PT;
modified; weighted vest
For time:
100 DH pull-ups
200 push-ups
100 CF sit-ups
100 flutter kicks
100 leg levers
400 air squats
Run 400m after every
100 reps.
Do not partition.
This is a chipper workout: you will do 100 DH pull-ups, run 400m, do 100
push-ups, run 400m, do 100 push-ups, run 400m, and so on.
In total, you will
run 10 x 400m = 2.5 miles.
The Protector (SEALFIT; weighted vest
For time:
Run 1.5 miles
100 DH pull-ups
200 hand-release
300 squat jumps
Run 1.5 miles
Do not partition.
This is a chipper workout: run 1.5 miles, do all 100 DH pull-ups, do all 200
hand-release push-ups, and so on.
Murph Tribute (SEALFIT;
modified; weighted vest optional):
Run 1 mile
50 DH pull-ups
100 push-ups
50 CF sit-ups
50 flutter kicks
50 leg levers
200 air squats
Run 1 mile
50 DH pull-ups
100 push-ups
50 CF sit-ups
50 flutter kicks
50 leg levers
200 air squats
Run 1 mile
Do not partition.
This is a chipper workout.
Run 3 miles
100 DH pull-ups
200 push-ups
100 CF sit-ups
100 flutter kicks
100 leg levers
400 air squats
Double Murph (weighted
vest optional):
For time:
Run 2 miles
40 rounds: 5 DH or K
pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats
Run 2 miles
Run 4 miles
200 DH or K pull-ups
400 push-ups
600 air squats
Triple Murph (weighted
vest not recommended):
For time:
Run 3 miles
60 rounds: 5 DH or K
pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats
Run 3 miles
Run 6 miles
300 DH or K pull-ups
600 push-ups
900 air squats
Angie, Barbara, and Cindy (weighted vest optional):
Complete all three
workouts. Rest 5 minutes between workouts.
For time:
100 DH or K pull-ups
(you can scale down to 50)
100 push-ups
100 CF sit-ups
100 air squats
Do not partition.
This is a chipper workout.
Five rounds for
20 DH or K pull-ups
(you can scale down to 10)
30 push-ups
40 CF sit-ups
50 air squats
20 minute AMRAP:
5 DH or K pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats
The 500 Challenge (SEAL Quest; modified; weighted
vest not recommended):
15 rounds:
5 DH pull-ups
5 DH chin-ups
Total: 75 DH
pull-ups, 75 DH chin-ups
25 rounds:
20 air squats
20 push-ups
20 sit-ups (CF or regular)
20 flutter kicks
500 air squats
500 push-ups
500 sit-ups
500 flutter kicks
Three-Part SEALFIT Workout:
Part I:
15 rounds (weighted vest
5 DH pull-ups
10 hand-release
15 jump squats
Part II:
5 rounds:
1 BB Frog Complex
(65#, 85#, 3 x 105#)
Run 400m
Use 65# for the
first round, 85# for the second, and 105# for the remaining rounds.
Part III:
Run 1 mile
21-15-9 reps: KB
swings (55#), burpee-box jumps
Run 1 mile
Do not wear a weighted
vest for parts II or III.
Rest 5 to 10 minutes
between workouts.
BB Frog Complex:
Squat clean
Thruster (separate
from squat clean)
Back squat
Press (or
push-press) from the back position
One continuous
movement = one rep. Six reps = one complex.
SEALFIT Manmaker Pyramid (modified):
DB Manmakers (30#)
Wall ball shots
Double-unders (or 2x
CF sit-ups
Do 5 DB Manmakers, 5
wall ball shots, 5 double-unders (or 10 single-unders), and 5 CF sit-ups. Then
do 10 reps of each exercise, 20 of each exercise, and so on.
100 DB Manmakers
100 Wall ball shots
100 Double-unders
(or 200 single-unders)
100 CF sit-ups
DB Manmaker:
Squat down with DB
in your hands
Thrust your legs out
into the push-up position
Spread your legs
Right-arm DB row
Bring legs together
Spread your legs
Left-arm DB row
Bring legs together
Jump back to the
squat position
DB squat clean (from
the ground) to thruster
Ultimate Driving Machine (Military Athlete):
Deadlift (185#)
KB clean and press
GHD sit-ups (or 35#
weighted sit-ups)
Back squats (135#)
5 DB renegade rows
Do 5 renegade rows
each round.
So, do 15 deadlifts,
15 KB clean and presses, 15 GHD sit-ups, 15 back squats, and 5 renegade rows.
Then do 14 reps of each exercise (except the renegade rows), 13 reps of each
exercise, and so on.
Total: 120 reps per
exercise. 75 renegade rows.
DB renegade row:
Right-arm DB row
Left-arm DB row
Depletion Workout (Military Athlete; modified):
Part I:
10 rounds:
1 BB Barbell Complex
Row 200m
Part II:
reps (weighted
vest optional):
DH pull-ups
Squat jumps
Total: 120 reps per exercise
Part III:
10 minute AMRAP:
Sandbag getups (60#)
Part IV:
Run 7 miles
Do not wear a
weighted vest for parts I, III, or IV.
BB Barbell Complex:
6 deadlifts
6 bent-over rows
6 squat cleans or
power cleans
6 front squats
6 push-presses
6 back squats
100 Curtis Ps (Military Athlete):
For time:
100 BB Curtis Ps
(55% BW)
The BB should be 55%
of your bodyweight. For example, if you weigh 200lb, then use 105lb.
BB Curtis P:
Squat clean or power
Lunge per leg (with
BB in front rack position)
One continuous
movement = one rep
10 Barbell Complexes (SEALFIT, Military
Athlete; modified):
Ten rounds:
BB Barbell Complex
Rest 2:00 or 3:00
between rounds
If you want to make
the workout easier, use 45#, 55#, 65#, 75#, and 85# for rounds 1-5. These are
your warm-up rounds. Then use 95# for rounds 6-10.
BB Barbell Complex:
6 deadlifts
6 bent-over rows
6 squat cleans or
power cleans
6 front squats
6 push-presses
6 back squats
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