
Colin Brown is an Eleiko Strength Coach (Level 1) and a NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES) and Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Specialist (MMACS). He has authored the NO-MIND FITNESS Self-Mastery Guide, Bodyweight Training Plan, Novice Bodyweight Training Plan, and Static Stretching Routine. He has studied philosophy, political theory, and finance. In April 2011, he completed two weeks of Extreme SEAL Experience. In November 2018, he completed the Inca Trail in Peru. He practices zazen (sitting meditation) daily.

Current Personal Records

Contact: colin.brown[at]nomindfitness[dot]com

Note: the first photo (top left) is from August 2008, before I started working out seriously. The other photos are from 2014-15. In the bottom-left photo, I am wearing a 40lb weighted vest. I have not digitally edited these photos, except for cropping and adding a red filter to the first photo.